API Reference


This utility hook helps you track user activity and trigger actions when the user becomes inactive for a specified period of time. It is useful for scenarios where you want to perform interaction-dependent tasks, such as showing a warning message or logging out a user when there has been no user interaction for a certain amount of time.


  1. Make sure you have @ridgehkr/useful installed in your application. If not, you can get started by following the installation instructions.

  2. Import useIdleTimeout into your component.

import { useIdleTimeout } from '@ridgehkr/useful'


Here, useIdleTimeout is used to monitor user activity, updating a boolean return value to indicate whether the user is idle or active:

import { useIdleTimeout } from '@ridgehkr/useful'
function IdleMonitor() {
  // trigger after 30 seconds of inactivity
  const isIdle = useIdleTimeout(30000)
  // Idle: "User is idle."
  // Active: "User is active."
  return <div>{isIdle ? <p>User is idle.</p> : <p>User is active.</p>}</div>

API Reference

Hook Signature

useIdleTimeout(timeout: number): boolean


useIdleTimeout accepts a single argument; the number of milliseconds of inactivity required to trigger the idle state.

timeoutnumberyesThe duration (in milliseconds) of user inactivity required to trigger the idle state.

Return Value

The useIdleTimeout hook returns a boolean value indicating whether the user is currently idle (true) or active (false).

isIdlenumberWhether or not the idle state is active
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