
Useful: a React hooks library

Useful is designed to simplify and expedite your React application development. It takes care of utility side tasks, allowing you to concentrate on your application's own unique requirements. Here, you'll find comprehensive guidance on how to utilize and integrate Useful's hooks into your React applications.


Useful is currently in Alpha and is not recommended for production environments. In the meantime, you can help us reach our first stable release by contributing (opens in a new tab).

Getting Started

First, install useful from NPM by running the following in your terminal:

npm i @ridgehkr/useful

After the installation is complete, you can import the hooks into your React components. For example, this is how you would import the useFetch hook:

import { useFetch } from '@ridgehkr/useful'

For a complete list of all available hooks, see the list below.

Hooks Index


  • useDarkMode
    Monitor and manage your application's dark mode.

  • useElementSize
    Track the width and height of a given element.

  • useSlideshow
    Manage the state of a slideshow component.

  • useTabs
    Manage the state of a tabbed interface.



  • useAsync
    Manage the execution state of an asyncronous function.

  • useDebounce
    Debounce the updating of a value to limit rapid-firing events.

  • useFetch
    Fetch data from a given URL and manage loading and error states.

  • useList
    Manage a List data structure.

  • usePagination
    Manage pagination state.

  • useRandomString
    Generates a random string based off of specified criteria.

  • useStack
    Manage a stack data structure.

  • useThrottle
    Throttle the updating of a value to limit rapid-firing events.

  • useTimedCounter
    Manage a counter that increments at a specified timed interval.

  • useUndoRedo
    Manage undo and redo functionality for user actions, providing a history of changes that can be navigated


Useful is a new project and still has room for growth! We plan to add more hooks, unit tests, and continually improve documentation.

Proposed Future Additions

Have a suggestion for a hook that you'd like to see added to Useful? Open an issue (opens in a new tab) and let us know!

Though these lists are by no means in their final state, these are the current plans for the future of Useful:


  • useModal: manage display state and possibly other properties of a modal
  • usePagination: manage pagination state
  • useClipboard: copy and paste content to and from the clipboard

Unit Tests

  • useAsync
  • useBatteryStatus
  • useClipboard
  • useCustomCSSProp
  • useDarkMode
  • useDebounce
  • useDeviceOrientation
  • useElementSize
  • useFetch
  • useGeolocation
  • useHover
  • useIdleTimeout
  • useIntersectionObserver
  • useList
  • useLocalStorage
  • useMediaQuery
  • useMousePosition
  • useOnlineStatus
  • usePagination
  • useRandomString
  • useScrollPosition
  • useSessionStorage
  • useSlideshow
  • useStack
  • useTabs
  • useThrottle
  • useTimedCounter
  • useUndoRedo
  • useWindowSize


Useful thrives on contributions from developers like you! If you encounter issues or have any suggestions for improvements, please feel free to contribute by opening an issue or submitting a pull request in the GitHub repository (opens in a new tab).


This project is licensed under the MIT License (opens in a new tab).

Created by Caleb Pierce (opens in a new tab).

Last updated on